Levels & Plumb Lines (Amos)Pastor Jarrod Jones | March 2, 2020SubscribeGiveLevels & Plumb Lines (Amos)Pastor Jarrod Jones | March 2, 2020SubscribeGiveAll MessagesListen to Message Audio In This SeriesMarriage Story (Hosea)Pastor Jarrod JonesStress Test (Joel)Pastor Jarrod JonesLevels & Plumb Lines (Amos)Pastor Jarrod JonesSelf Deception (Obadiah)Pastor Jarrod JonesThe Stubbornness of God (Jonah)Pastor Jarrod JonesFull SeriesCheck out our other contentFeb 13, 2022Blessed are the EmptyPastor Jarrod JonesJul 12, 2015Overcoming TroublePastor Joe NievesJul 10, 2022The Narrow WayPastor Jarrod JonesJan 23, 2022Blessed are the BeggarsPastor Jarrod JonesApr 07, 2024Right Place, Right TimePastor Jarrod JonesFeb 18, 2024The UnholyPastor Jarrod JonesJun 29, 2014HeartlessPastor Jarrod JonesAug 24, 2014Show & TellPastor Jeff Dueck