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Central Positions
No Open positions at this time.
Campus Positions
No Open positions at this time.
Important Note
The staff listings on this page are in various stages of the process. Some openings are late in the interview process and are nearing closure. Others are just beginning candidate conversations; still, others will not begin interviews until later in the year. However, all listings are accepting inquiries. New hires do occur regularly.
Recently filled positions
Washingtonville Facility Coordinator, Young Adult Director, Central Administrative Assistant, GraceKids Special Needs Director, Middle School Youth Director
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Grace's Team Values
Values describe how we will act as we go about accomplishing our mission and vision. If the vision is
the destination of a trip, the values determine things like the car we’ll take, how fast we’ll drive, why
and how often we’ll stop, and whether we’ll pick up hitch-hikers along the way.
Team values specifically apply to our leaders, volunteers, and staff. Grace has ten team values.