Upcoming Baptisms
Are you ready to make a public declaration that Jesus is your Lord and Savior? We are planning to hold baptisms during services THIS Sunday, October 24th. If you are interested in being baptized, submit your information using the link below.
Candy & Trunks Needed
We are gearing up for our big Trunk-or-Treat event at the end of the month and we need our Grace family to donate candy! If you can help by filling up the trunk in the lobby of our Washingtonville Campus – this will help make Trunk-or-Treat a success!
We also need Trunks!!! Think of a fun (non-scary) theme, decorate your vehicle, and hand out candy to the “trunk or treaters” from the neigborhood! Once you run out of candy to give, we will re-fill your trunk until the event is over! You’ll be entered in a contest too!! Register your vehicle at graceoc.com/trunks
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to register for our Trunk-or-Treat event by signing up one adult in the family and indicating how many in your group, visit: graceoc.com/events to do so.
Our Trunk-or-Treat event will be held on October 31st from 5pm to 7pm, with a raindate of November 1st from 6pm to 8pm, here at the Washingtonville Campus!
Ready to Launch-- Ministry box!
Engage your faith with your children at home. Get your free GraceKids Ministry Box at the Info Center – While supplies last.
Learning to Lament with Elder Larry Dauer
We all need to learn to lament, especially when we find ourselves, perhaps even right now, in the midst of the deep dark clouds of suffering, pain, loss, and even despair. Lament is a prayer in pain that leads to trust. Biblical Lament is how Christians grieve. It is also how to help hurting people. Join us and invite others as together we Learn to Lament for His glory and our joy! Saturday, November 6th, 8:15 to 12:30p, Newburgh Worship Center.
Join the Meals Team
Do you enjoy cooking and serving others? Our Meals Team needs volunteers to prepare and deliver meals to families that are recovering from hospital stays, illnesses, or just going through a difficult time. If interested please fill out the form below.