PEACE in the WaitingPastor Mike Jones | December 20, 2020SubscribeGivePEACE in the WaitingPastor Mike Jones | December 20, 2020SubscribeGiveAll MessagesListen to Message Audio In This SeriesHOPE in the waitingPastor Jeff DueckJOY in the WaitingPastor Jeff HarrisonPEACE in the WaitingPastor Mike JonesLight in the DarknessPastor Jim BarringerFull SeriesCheck out our other contentDec 04, 2016Out of the Ashes – Week 3 – Mic DropPastor Jarrod JonesAug 14, 2022Guard Your HeartPastor Brandon CollinsMar 17, 2024The Stable LifeEliel ValdesJun 05, 2022JudgingPastor Jarrod JonesOct 31, 2021Can You Hear Me Now?Pastor Abe DueckDec 20, 2020PEACE in the WaitingPastor Mike JonesApr 17, 2016Wk 3 – You InterruptedPastor Jarrod JonesAug 05, 2018Facing the FlowPastor Jarrod Jones