
News, Events, & Announcements
October 7, 2024


Oct 12 - Oct 13

Join us THIS WEEKEND as Pastor Jarrod begins his NEW series, “Before You Vote”!
Grab your bible and head over!


Collective Youth is BACK! Join us Sundays at 6pm! We cannot wait to have the gang back together. If your Middle School or High School student has never attended Collective Youth, this is the BEST time to jump in!

NEW! CY Lite Saturday Night Gatherings for Middle School Students during Saturday Service! 

Middle School Retreat: PURSUIT 2024!

Oct 11 - Oct 13

All middle school students are invited to attend the 2024 Pursuit getaway from Friday, October 11 through Sunday, October 13.

Price is $220 and includes meals, transportation, entertainment, materials and lodging. (Scholarships available) Registration closes on 10/7. Space limited!

Register Now

GraceMOMs is Back! Volunteers Needed!

October 9, 9:30 am

GraceMOMs, our ministry for mothers of ALL ages, in all seasons of life, is coming back this fall here in Washingtonville!

Your little ones are welcome to attend or be cared for in our nursery by vetted Grace volunteers. Moms will enjoy food, connection, guest speakers, and many other fun MOMs events.

MOMs will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (October through May) beginning October 9th at 9:30am at the Grace Washingtonville campus.

Register at the link below.

To reach as many moms in our community as possible, we need some volunteers to help with things like registration in the lobby or helping with childcare. If you are interested in serving, please fill out a volunteer application at graceoc.com/serve and check off the “Mid-Week” option.

Register Now

Financial Peace University for Young Adults!

Oct 02 - Dec 04

Attention Young Adults!! This course is for YOU – it’s never too early to start planning for a better financial future!

Financial Peace University (FPU) is a proven plan that helps you pay off debt fast and save more money for your future. The FPU program normally requires a course fee of up to $100. Grace Community Church is providing this course free of charge.

FPU is a 9-week program held at the Washingtonville Campus which started on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7pm.
But it’s not too late to join! Registration is still open!
*Note: we will not meet on Wednesday, November 27th so our last class will be on December 4th.

Register Now

Buddies Parents Afternoon Out Respite Event!

October 19, 1:00 pm

Parent’s Afternoon Out Respite Event: If you have a child in our Grace Buddies Ministry, this is for YOU!

We are offering a respite event at the Washingtonville campus to all of our Grace Buddies families on Saturday, October 19th from 1-3pm. Drop them off with our vetted Buddies staff and enjoy some time to yourself! This event will be scheduled once a month.

Register below. Space is limited!

Register Now

Young Adult Worship Night!

October 18, 7:00 pm

Young Adults – Join us for a special Worship Night, on Friday, October 18th, at 7pm at the Washingtonville Campus.
Registration not required. All are welcome, bring a friend!

Learn More

Essentials @ Washingtonville!

October 29, 7:00 pm

The Essentials Class dives deeper into the core teachings of Christianity and explains what it means to live as a Christian in today’s culture. This course will be completed in six weeks.

It is being offered starting Tuesday, October 29th. The class will be held in person at 7pm in Washingtonville.

Register today at graceoc.com/events

Register Now

Trunk or Treat @ Washingtonville!

October 31

Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 31st from 6:30pm-8:00pm (rain date is November 1st at the same time)!!

For our families with special needs, we will be hosting a Sensory Friendly version, which will be held right before the main event, from 6:00-6:30pm.  It will be a quieter, less crowded and inclusive Grace Buddies time!
Additionally, non-edible treats will be provided in teal buckets for any children with allergies/sensory issues.

There are three ways to participate and join in the fun:
1 – Sign up your trunk at graceoc.com/trunks
2 – Attend and enjoy the festivities! Only one adult needs to register, click here to get started! For our Sensory Friendly event, register here!
3 – Please Donate Candy!  There is a storage trunk in the lobby by the Worship Center where you can drop off your candy donation!  We’re hoping to fill up that trunk many times over!

Details can be found on any of the registrations at grace.com/events!

Register Now

Calling All Bakers!

We are in need of volunteers to provide baked goods for our cadets. Items such as corn muffins, carrot cake, cinnamon coffee cake, banana or blueberry muffins, or your own personal favorite recipe!

Commitment can be every week, every other week, or once a month.

Please email the Washingtonville campus to get connected to our Cadet Ministry Leaders – washingtonville@graceoc.com

Cheryl Nieves