Join us as Pastor Jarrod continues his series, “Just Be Perfect,” with “Overcoming Lust.”
Collective Youth Parent Prayer Group!
“Drop your CY student off at the church and join us once a month for Collective Youth Parent Prayer. We will pray for our students, their CY leaders, schools, teachers, coaches, friends, the CY ministry and most importantly we will pray for revival to sweep through young people all over Orange County.”
This group will meet once per month during CY Services from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
Please visit Collective Youth Parent Prayer – Grace Community Church ( for more information and to register!
Welcome Dinner!
Are you new to Grace and want to learn more?
We’d like to invite you and your family to join us for dinner on Thursday, September 29th at 6:00pm. Some of the staff and leaders from the Washingtonville location will share the vision and mission of Grace Community Church. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and find out more about Next Steps here at Grace.
Please register each person attending to let us know you are coming! You can register at
Beacon of Light Annual Walk4Life!
The 3rd Annual Beacon of Light Walk4Life is Saturday, October 1st at Thomas Bull Memorial Park!
For more information and to sign up go to
Collective Youth Middle School Retreat!
Collective Youth 678 Middle School Retreat will be held at Word of Life from Friday, October 7th through Sunday, October 9th. Cost is $190/per student and includes all meals as well as transportation to Word Of Life from/to the Middletown Campus. Register today at!
The Essentials Class dives deeper into the core teachings of Christianity and explains what it means to live as a Christian in today’s culture. This 8-week course is being offered as a hybrid class (in person and virtually) starting Sunday, October 2nd. The class will be held in person at 1pm in Washingtonville. A link will be sent for those choosing to attend virtually (also at 1pm), more information to follow on the virtual option.
To register go to
Heaven - A Biblical Study of Eternity!
Imagine you’re on a spaceship strapped in and ready to launch into space. You can hear mission control counting down 10, 9, 8…….. and you turn to the person next to you and say, “Where are we going?” The person next to you says “I don’t really know much at all but I guess we will have the rest of our lives to find out more about it.” Unfortunately that is how many Christians behave regarding heaven, our eternal destination. We don’t know much but we know were are going there. It could be that they believe that the Bible has little to say about heaven and therefore feel it is unimportant to focus on things so far away and so little is known. The truth is the Bible does have a lot to say about heaven and it is immensely important that we understand and prepare now for where we are going to spend eternity. This 7 week study will offer a biblical study on heaven. Course materials must be purchased in advance.
The course meets October 9th – November 20th at 8:15am in Meeting Room 2.
For more information and to register please go to
Grace MOMs Ministry!
Grace MOMs Ministry–NEW MEETING FORMAT! Grace Washingtonville hosts a group for mothers of ALL ages which is open to all campuses and the community. The MOMs ministry meets twice a month from October through June each year. Moms get together for good food, great conversations, important discussion topics and guest speakers! This year, the format has shifted to accommodate working moms. We will now hold an AM session and a PM session each month. On the second Wednesday of each month, beginning October 12th, an AM session will be held from 9:30am to 11:30am (childcare available); on the fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning October 26th, there will be a PM session from 6:30pm to 8:30pm (no childcare available). You can register to attend both sessions or chose which best meets your schedule! Registration is open at $15 for an AM or PM session, or $30 to attend all.
To register go to
"Grandparenting Matters" Seminar!
If you are a long-time grandparent or a brand new one, this is for you. Join us Saturday, October 29th from 9am-1pm at the Port Jervis Campus. You will unlearn some things, and relearn others. Your passion for your grandkids will be even higher and you’ll go away changed. Your precious grandchildren will benefit because you listened, learned, and grew in your blessed role. Registration is $30/couple or $15/person. Seminar, materials, and lunch included.
To register go to