Join us Sunday as we continue our summer series, “Counter Cultural”, with a message from Pastor Brandon Collins.
Collective Youth!
Collective Youth returned from summer break on Sunday, August 7th in Washingtonville (CY West). CY East returns to Newburgh on August 10th!
Weekly services are as follows:
CY West, Washingtonville, Sundays at 6:00 pm
CY East, Newburgh, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Outdoor Baptism and GraceKids Movie Night!
Outdoor Baptism and Worship will take place on August 19, 2022 at 7pm in the parking lot outside the cafe doors! Are you ready to be baptized? If so, please register at
GraceKids Outdoor Movie night will immediately follow Baptism! Please stay and join us for Sing 2 and refreshments! If you are interested, please register at GraceKids Outdoor Movie Night! – Grace Community Church (
All are welcome!!
Please bring a lawn chair!
**Rain date is August 20, 2022 at the same time.
Giving Statements
Giving statements have been mailed. If you give online or by check and did not receive your statement, please contact your lead pastor or email