Sermon Series
Join us next week as Pastor Jarrod continues his series, “Good to Know.” Hope to see you there!
Happy Mother's Day!
Wishing all the moms, moms-to-be, and the moms at heart a very happy Mother’s Day.
No Collective Youth Next Week
Collective Youth will not be meeting on Wednesday, May 17th. Enjoy the week!
Financial Peace University
Financial Peace University (FPU) is a proven plan that helps you pay off debt fast and save more money for your future. The FPU program normally requires a course fee of up to $100. Grace Community Church is providing this course free of charge.
FPU is a 9-week program, and we will be holding the class at our Port Jervis Campus. We will be beginning the class in mid-May.
If you are interested in this course, click the link below and let us know of your interest, and which time slot would work best for you: Sunday mornings at 8:30 am, or Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. We will follow up with you and let you know in which time slot the course will be offered, and other details. (Clicking the “Register” button does not mean you are registered for the course, just that you are interested.)
Please email with any questions.
Campus Clean-up Day
We would love for you to join us on May 20th from 8 am – noon to clean up our PJ Campus! We will provide tools, coffee, donuts, and pizza for lunch!
Come out and help us to refresh our building and grounds.
Please let us know that you’re coming by clicking the link below.
Welcome to Grace Lunch
Are you new to Grace and want to learn more?
We’d like to invite you and your family to join us for a meal on Sunday, May 21st at 1 PM at our PJ Campus. Some of the leaders from our Port Jervis location will share the vision and mission of Grace Community Church. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and find out more about Next Steps here at Grace.
Please register below with each person attending to let us know you are coming!
Grace Community Takes over Dutchess Stadium!
Grace Community hosts Faith & Family Night at Dutchess Stadium: Join us on Saturday, May 20th at 4pm as Grace leads the Dutchess Stadium “Faith & Family Night”. Enjoy the Renegades baseball game, with highlight moments from Grace Community including the National Anthem, 7th-Inning stretch, Gospel message, and a post-game 45-minute worship set! A portion of the proceeds from each ticket will be donated back to the ministries of Grace Community Church!
Grace Buddies Sensory-Friendly Worship Service
Parents of children with special needs often have a difficult time worshipping together as a family. Join us on May 19th at 6:30pm at the Washingtonville Campus for a special night of worship with audio/visual accomodations for our Grace Buddies attenders. We will have the worship music volume lowered, noise-sensitivity headphones, some sensory items, and flexible seating so children can move around and dance. It is our heart that ALL families feel welcome and able to worship together. All are welcome to attend. Register today!
Attention all Middle Schoolers!
We are hosting a CY Worship Workshop on May 13th from 9am-12pm at the Washingtonville Campus. This is an opportunity for any middle school students who want to learn about worship and production. Those who are interested will also have the opportunity to join the worship or tech teams! Register today!