
News, Events, & Announcements
September 18, 2022

Sermon Series "Just Be Perfect" Continues

Join us as Pastor Jarrod continues his series, “Just Be Perfect,” with “Overcoming Anger”.

CY "Woman Up!" Girls Conference:

September 24

Registration has just begun for the CY “Woman UP” conference for middle- and high-school girls The event will be held at 12th Rock Sports in Middletown on Saturday, September 24th, from 8am to 8pm. Girls will learn valuable life skills as well as hear more about who the Lord created them to be! Girls will receive hands-on training in skills such as auto repair, minor construction, self-defense, basic plumbing, and make-up/dating etiquette. The cost is $25/student and includes all meals. Space is limited!

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CY Middle School Retreat

Oct 07 - Oct 09

Collective Youth 678 Middle School Retreat will be held at Word of Life from Friday, October 7th through Sunday, October 9th. Cost is $190/p and includes all and transportation to WOL from/to the Middletown Campus. Register today!

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"Grandparenting Matters" Seminar:

October 29

If you are a long-time grandparent or a brand new one, this is for you. Join us Saturday, October 29th from 9a-1p at the Port Jervis Campus. You will unlearn some things, and relearn others. Your passion for your grandkids will be even higher and you’ll go away changed. Your precious grandchildren will benefit because you listened, learned, and grew in your blessed role. Registration is $30/couple or $15/person. Seminar, materials, and lunch included.

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Parent Training Session

Raising teens is challenging and we want to make sure you have all the help you can get. Our Newburgh campus is hosting a parent training and equipping night on Wednesday, September 21st from 6:30pm to 8pm (the same time as Collective Youth East is meeting). We’ll be giving guidance, tools, and ideas on how to talk about challenging topics with your students. We’ll cover topics like sex, homosexuality, and gender identity. Space is limited.



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Grace MOMs Ministry

NEW MEETING FORMAT! Grace Washingtonville hosts a group for mothers of ALL ages which is open to all campuses and the community. The MOMs ministry meets twice a month from October through June each year. Moms get together for good food, great conversations, important discussion topics and guest speakers! This year, the format has shifted to accommodate working moms. We will now hold an AM session and a PM session each month. On the second Wednesday of each month, beginning October 12th, an AM session will be held from 9:30am to 11:30am (childcare available); on the fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning October 26th, there will be a PM session from 6:30pm to 8:30pm (no childcare available). You can register to attend both sessions or chose which best meets your schedule! Registration is open at $15 for an AM or PM session, or $30 to attend all.

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Thursday night EQUIP Bible study

You’re invited to Equip, a small group setting on Thursdays at the Middletown campus from 7-8:30 pm. 

Freedom is one of the deepest longings of the soul. In this 6-lesson in-depth study of Galatians, you will engage with the question, “How do I stand blameless and guiltless before a holy God? Is it by faith, or by obeying the rules, or both?” You will learn how to be truly free and to walk in the blessings of God’s promises.

You can order your book HERE.

We're looking to expand our teams!

We are looking to expand our volunteer teams here on campus. We’d love to help you find the best place for you to plug in and get connected through serving together. Click HERE to get started!


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