Easter Service Times:
Grace Middletown will hold Easter Services on Sunday, 4/17, at 10:00 and 11:30. GraceKids will be available at the 11:30 service. Please join us and invite friends!
Exciting news!!! Grace en Espanol!
Grace Newburgh will begin offering an all-Spanish Worship Service at 1pm each Sunday led by Pastor Keni Epp beginning Easter Sunday! If you know anyone who would benefit from a service in Spanish or who would like serve, please share!
GraceKids Faith Journey starts Easter Sunday:
If you have a child in 1st -5th grade, we’d love for you to join the GraceKids Faith Journey initiative! We’d like to provide you with a FREE book, “What is a Christian?” This wonderful workbook walks through understanding what it means to be a Christian, offering a variety of lessons, discussion topics, and meaningful questions to explore. Sign up to get your book below! We’ll have it waiting for you on Easter Sunday!
Womens Ministry Breakfast
Ladies! We have been through a tough couple years of struggles, brokenness, confinement, and change. As springs brings new life, refreshment, and a time of awakening, let’s get together in the same way, reconnecting with each other and getting to know one another better.
Saturday, April 30th at 9:00 am, at Grace Middletown there will be a Women’s breakfast. Come join us for food, a short devotion, and connecting with sisters to develop deeper meaningful relationships as we grow together!
Bring a dish to share and be sure to register below!
CY Spring Break
Collective Youth will be taking Spring Break from April 10th through April 20th. We will return on April 24th and offer baptism that week at BOTH CY West (4/24) and East (4/27)!
We will be holding baptisms on April 24th. If you have already placed your faith in Jesus as your savior, but have not be baptized, this is your next step. Please click the link below to register.
Opportunities to get connected
We would love to get each and every one of you plugged in to serve with a volunteer team on campus. This is the best way to get connected and grow in community with others. Would you consider giving a few hours each month to serve on a team? (ushers/greeters, cafe, parking, GraceKids, green team, event team, worship, etc.) Sign up below!
Grace Softball Team
If you’re looking for some competition mixed in with church community, check out our Grace Softball Team. We participate in the Orange County Christian Community Softball Co-ed League. This is a higher-skilled COMPETITIVE league. Requirements: must be 18 or older, participation fee of $100, and available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights at 6PM for games. If interested please reach out to Marc Savacool, Team Manager, at 845-649-3845.
MOMs Evening Event!
Our next evening event for our MOMs ministry is coming up on May 4th at 6:00pm in Washingtonville! Gals & Games: A fun night of laughter and interactive games to play with the whole group – centered on motherhood! This is a FREE event open to moms of all ages, click the link below for information & to register.
Born Again: Rescued, Regenerated, and Renewed!
Elder Larry Dauer, will be holding a mini-conference on April 30th 8am-12:30pm, at the Newburgh Campus to delve deeply into Scripture and discover what it truly means to be born again! We will wrestle with these questions: What is the new birth? Why must we be born again? How does God accomplish this? How do we participate? What is the evidence? What are the effects? What does it look like to be transformed? What does real freedom feel like? What is God’s purpose in His cosmic, epic rescue mission? What next? This teaching is designed for all seekers, saved, and seasoned alike.