Communion this Sunday
Join us this coming Sunday as we share in communion during all services.
Christmas Eve at Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center:
All Grace Community locations will be joining together for united Christmas Eve services at the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center in Chester. Services will be held on Friday, December 23rd at 5:30 and 7:30pm, and on Saturday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, at 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm.
Christmas for our community & Wrapping party
We are partnering with 12th Rock Ministries to care for local families in need. If you have taken a tag from the Christmas tree in the lobby, purchase the gift on the tag, then return the UNWRAPPED gift by THIS Sunday, December 18th.
AND…Be sure to stick around after the 11:30 service on Sunday December 18th as we wrap all the gifts! Registration is not required, but it is helpful. Register HERE.
Collective Youth Christmas Break:
Collective Youth will take a break for the holidays starting December 25th, returning January 8th.
Merry Christmas
There will be no onsite services on Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th. See you Sunday, January 1st!
Grace Kids Jingle Jam and Birthday Cake for Jesus
Grace Kids you will not want to miss a very fun day as we celebrate Christmas!
Join us Sunday, December 18th during the 11:30 service for Jingle Jam!
THEN…Stick around after the 11:30 service, as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday with a Birthday Cake for Jesus! Register HERE.
GraceKids Faith Journey starts January 8th!
The Faith Journey is an engaging 8-week at-home workbook for children in 1st through 5th grade. Activities and discussion sections help parents guide their children to a deeper understanding of salvation and what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus. Beginning January 8th, simply click the link below to order your Faith Journey book. We’ll have it waiting for you the following Sunday or can send it to your home! Speak to your GraceKids classroom leader today to find out more!