
News, Events, & Announcements
Dec 06-

Christmas B-Sides series continues

Join us next week as we continue our December mini series, “Christmas B-Sides.”

Christmas for Kids outreach

This year we are partnering 12th Rock Ministries to help provide Christmas gifts for families in need. There is a Christmas Tree in the Lobby with tags representing each gift needed. Take as many tags as you’d like to fulfill, mark the tag # and your contact info on the spreadsheet next to the tree, and return all donated gifts UNWRAPPED by December 19th .

Please join us after second service December 19th for our annual wrapping party as we wrap and pray over all the gifts!


Christmas Eve Service Times:

Grace Middletown will be offering Christmas Eve services December 24th at 1:30pm and 3:00pm. GraceKidsJr (only) will be available at all services. There will be no services held on Sunday, December 26th, but we do hope you join us that morning at graceoc.com for a very special Christmas presentation!

Parents' Day Out

December 11, 1:00 pm

Our amazing Grace Kids team is offering the parents of our regular Grace Kids attenders an afternoon off! THIS Saturday, December 11th from 1-4 pm, drop off your Infant-5th graders for some games, a movie, and some popcorn! Use this time to get some shopping done, go on a date, wrap some presents, or take a nap! This is our gift to you!

Register at the link below!

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