Sermon series, "Experiencing God" continues
Join us as Pastor Jarrod continues the series, “Experiencing God” with the message “God Invites.” As we continue these days of leaning into the Lord, be prayerful for those who have not met the Lord. Invite someone you care about to church.
Essentials Class
There is still time to sign up for Essentials! The Essentials Class dives deeper into the core teachings of Christianity and explains what it means to live as a Christian in today’s culture. This 8-week course will be offered on Wednesday evenings starting January 18th from 6:30pm-8pm at the Middletown campus. Click below to register!
This is also a component of Grace’s membership process for anyone pursuing membership.
"Welcome to Grace" experience
If you are new or new-ish to Grace, or if you have been around a while but are now pursuing membership, we’d like to invite you to attend a “Welcome to Grace” experience, Sunday January 29th, in the Collective Youth Room at the end of either service. There will be a bite to eat, some info from our Pastor, and hopefully time to meet and connect with others. Please register below.
GraceKids Faith Journey is here!
The Faith Journey is an engaging 8-week at-home workbook for children in 1st through 5th grade. Activities and discussion sections help parents guide their children to a deeper understanding of salvation and what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus. Simply click the link below to order your Faith Journey workbook. We’ll have it waiting for you the following Sunday or can send it to your home! Speak to your GraceKids classroom leader today to find out more!
Night to Shine Volunteer Registration is OPEN:
Night to Shine is back at Grace Community! Join us Friday, February 10th from 6-9pm at the Grace Warwick Campus. If you would like to serve at this event, click HERE or hit the “register” button below! Or…Click HERE to register to attend as a guest.
The Advance High School RETREAT!
Registration has just begun for the 2023 HS retreat, The Advance! All high school students head to Spruce Lake in PA for a few days of student connection, teaching, worship and fun! Students leave Friday, February 17th, returning on February 20th. Cost is $240 per student which includes transportation from Grace Middletown, food, lodging, and activities. Register today!
Do you read these announcements to the end??
We often wonder if these announcements come across about as well as Charlie Brown’s teacher…whaa whaa whaa whaa. Lol. We’d love to know who takes the time each week to hear the happenings of Grace Community Church. Be on the lookout for ways to interact more, give feedback in order to invest in your campus, and maybe even receive fun rewards.
You made it to the end. Email “Whaa Whaa Whaa Whaa” to and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a Dunkin’ gift card!